Manoj Gopalakrishnan
Department of Physics
IIT Madras
e-mail: manoj AT
manojgopal AT
TEL : (044) 22574894
Manoj Gopalakrishnan
Department of Physics
IIT Madras
e-mail: manoj AT
manojgopal AT
TEL : (044) 22574894
Briefly, I am a theoretical physicist working on biophysical problems using tools from statistical mechanics, and more specifically, the theory of stochastic processes. Please visit my research page for more details.
Selected recent publications
Zero-order ultrasensitivity: A study of criticality and fluctuations under the total quasi-steady state approximation
in the linear noise regime
with P.K. Jithinraj and Ushasi Roy, J. Theor. Biol. 344:1-11 (2014)
Memory, bias and correlations in bidirectional transport of molecular motor-driven cargoes
with Deepak Bhat, Phys. Rev. E 88(4): 042702 (2013)
Microtubule catastrophe from protofilament dynamics
with Jemseena V., Phys. Rev. E 88(3): 032717 (2013)
A first passage time theory of chromosome capture by microtubules in mitosis
with Bindu Govindan (Bull. Math. Biol., 73(10): 2483-2506 (2011)
Theoretical results for chemotactic response and drift of E.coli in a weak attractant gradient
with Melissa Reneaux, J. Theor. Biol. 266 (1): 99-106 (2010)
To see the complete list please see my Google Scholar page here.
Biophysics related links
Howard Berg’s lab webpage at Rowland Institute, Harvard University, devoted to E.coli.
Philip Nelson’s webpage at University of Pennsylvania
Biovisions multimedia website at Harvard with animations of cellular processes
Ph.D students
Deepak Bhat (2010-)
Jemseena V (2010-)
Ushasi Roy (2012-)
An old group photo (L-R, JV, DB, MG, UR and Jithin, sometime in 2010)