
I am an Associate professor
in the Department of Physics at Indian Institute of Technology Madras. I joined the institute in
June 2014.
Contact details:
Jayeeta Bhattacharyya
Associate Professor
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of
Technology Madras
Chennai 600036
Phone :
+91 44 2257 4856
Fax :
: jayeeta(at)iitm.ac.in,
email :
Research Interest:
Semiconductors, optical
spectroscopy, transient spectroscopy, carrier dynamics,
optoelectronics, excitonic properties, carbon dots. In short, anything
that responds to or in the form of light!
Recent news
- Jun 2024: Attended DAAD AvH alumi meet held in Chennai
- Mar 2024: The
whole group was involved in giving demonstrations and discussions with
the public for Institute Open house
- Mar 2024: Our
research center TINGE (Technological Innovations for Next Generation
Emitters) got funded for phase II
- 2-3 Jan 2024:
Member of organizing committee of Women in Optics and Photonics in
India (WOPI), held at IITM
- Nov 2023: Collaborative
visit to Prof. Chihaya Adachi's lab at Kyushu University, Japan
- Sept 2023: Dinesh
and Devan presented two posters in the EMRS fall meeting held at Warsaw
university of Technology, Poland
- Aug-Dec 2023: Congratulations
Amina! for getting selected for the NTU connect program and
successfully completing the experiments and gaining experience on
carbon dot based bioimaging.
- May - June 2023: Colaborative
visit to Helmholtz-zentrum Rossendorf, Germany
- Jan 2023: Jyoti
and Laxman joined the group as PhD scholars. Welcome!
- Jan 2023: Subhamoy
successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations!
- Oct 2022: Appointed
warden of Sharavati Hostel
- Sept 2022: Congratulations
Subhamoy! for publishing your first author paper https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ac8819