(B). International Conferences
Year 1997-2004
8. P. Sandeep and P. B. Bisht,
Determination of Femtosecond Dephasing Times of Organic Dyes Confined in a
Single Spherical Microparticle, Abstracts of Femtochemistry VI conference,
Paris, July 6-10, p.68I, 2003,
9. T. Bizjak, P. B. Bisht, S. Lochbrunner, and E. Riedle,
Femtosecond Transient Spectroscopy of the Photoionization of Indole in
Water, Proc. of Femtochemistry VI conference, Paris, July 6-10, p.13I,
10. U. Tripathy and Prem. B. Bisht Simultaneous calculation of
nonlinear absorption and refraction parameters by using a single
closed-aperture z-scan technique, Proc. of Photonics 2002, TIFR, Mumbai,
Dec. 16-18, p. 227, 2002.
11. R. J. Rajesh and P. B.
Bisht, Observation of coherent effects in pump probe experiments on
ultrafast time-scale and their control, Proc. of IIIrd Asian Photochemistry
Conf. (APC 2002), Mumbai, Jan 6-11, p. 158, 2002.
12. P. Sandeep and P. B. Bisht,
Influencing radiative rates of a fluorophore: fluorescence microscopy and
morphology dependent resonances”, Proc. of IIIrd Asian Photochemistry
Conf. (APC 2002), Mumbai, Jan 6-11, p. 122, 2002.
13. R. J. Rajesh, R. Radhan and P. B. Bisht, Simulation of
best fit parameters for femtosecond pulse generation in Figure of Eight
Laser, Proc. of Femtochemistry V: Femtochemistry and Femtobiology, (Word
scientific), 583-586 (2002).
14. R. J. Rajesh and P. B.
Bisht, Short pulse generation and measurements of ultrafast relaxation
processes, Proc. of Dynamics of Complex Chemical Systems, IISc Bangalore,
Jan 9-13, p. 11, 2001.
15. P. B. Bisht,
Supersonic free jet spectroscopy: Study of excited state reactions, Proc.
of UNESCO Regional School , IIT Madras, Jan 1-13,
p. 147-155, 2001.
16. T. G. Sindhu and P. B.
Bisht, Theoretical simulations on femtosecond pulse generation in infra
red region by a fibre laser, Proc. of Photonics 2000, Calcutta Univ.,
Dec. 18-20, 2000, 341-344.
17. R. J. Rajesh and P. B.
Bisht , Simulations and experiments on ultrafast pulse generation in
distributed feedback dye laser, Proc. of Photonics 2000, Calcutta
University, Calcutta, Dec. 18-20, p. 199-202, 2000.
18. T. G. Sindhu and P. B.
Bisht, Ultrashort pulse fibre lasers for optical communication, Proc.
of ICCCD 2000, Dec. 14-16, IIT Kharagpurp, p. 531-533, 2000.
19. P. B. Bisht, J. Rajesh
R. and B. M. Sivaram, Ultrafast time-resolved measurements of excited state
relaxation processes in rhodamine B using transient grating technique,
Proc. of Trombay Symposium on Radiation and Chemistry, BARC Mumbai, Jan
12-17, p. 125-126, 2000.
20. P. B. Bisht,
Relaxation Processes using Transient Grating technique (Invited talk),
Proc. of Trombay Symposium on Radiation and Chemistry, BARC Mumbai, Jan
12-17, p. 466-475, 2000.
21. P. B. Bisht and B. M.
Sivaram, Two photon distributed feed back laser (TPDFDL),Proc.
of International Conference on Laser Materials and Devices (ICLMD
–1999), Defence Science Centre, Delhi,
December 8-10, p.318-321, 1999.
22. R. J. Rajesh, P. B. Bisht
and B. M. Sivaram, Studies of the third order nonlinear susceptibility and
the relaxation processes of the laser dye Rhodamine B using transient
grating technique, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Laser materials and Devices
(ICLMD –1999), Defence Science Centre, Delhi, December 8-10,
p.329-332, 1999.
23. R. J. Rajesh, P. B. Bisht
and B. M. Sivaram, Theoretical calculations on efficiency of self
diffraction of the laser induced transient grating in laser dyes, Proc. of
Int. Conf on Mathematical Methods and Modelling, IIT Kharagpur, December
9-11, p. 134-142, 1999.
(C). National Conferences
Year 1997-2004
24. U. Tripathy, P. B. Bisht
and A. Subrahmanyam, Energy and wavelength dependence of pico second laser
pumped Z-scan profiles’’, Proc. of National Symposium on
Mathematical Methods and Applications, IIT Madras, December 21, p. 30-31,
25. P. B. Bisht and P.
Sandeep, Morphology dependent resonances of microparticles and cavity
quantum electrodynamic effects on relaxation of excited states, Proc. of
Recent Developments and Challenges in Physics, Dec. 19-22, p OP02, 2002.
26. P. Sandeep and P. B. Bisht,
Cavity quantum electrodynamic effects in excitation energy transfer, Proc.
of DAE-BRNS National laser Symposium, Nov. 14-16,Trivandram,
p. 576-577, 2002.
27. R. J. Rajesh and P. B.
Bisht, Pump-probe method for measuring ultrafast relaxation times,
Proc. of National Conference on Spectrophysics, Aug. 9-11, Chennai, p
248-251, 2000.
28. S. Sandeep and P. B. Bisht,
Microcavity resonances and their effect on spontaneous emission of
fluorescein 27, Proc. of National Conference on Spectrophysics, Aug. 9-11,
Chennai, p. 244-247, 2000.
29. P. B. Bisht, Photon
detectors for ultraviolet, visible and infra red regions, Proc. of UGC
staff Seminar on Spectrum of Photochemistry, Sri Sharda Womens college, Salem, July 5, p. 73,
30. R. J. Rajesh, P. B. Bisht
and B. M. Sivaram, Numerical calculations on the ultrafast pulse generation
by distributed feed back dye laser, Proc. of Symposium on Mathematical
Methods and Applications, Dec. 22, p. 10, 1999.
31. P. B. Bisht, R. J.
Rajesh and B. M. Sivaram, “Transient Grating technique for studies of
ultrafast laser spectroscopy”, Proc. of National Laser Symposium,
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Dec. 15-17, p. 285-286, 1999.
32. P. B. Bisht, Invited
talk on “Morphology dependent resonances”, Proc. of Recent
Advances of Lasers in Scientific and Industrial Applications, St.
Joshef’s College, Tiruchirapalli, Sep. 6-7, p.18,1999.
33. V. Subramaniann, B. M. Sivaram, S. Kasiviswanathan, P. B.
Bisht and V. R. K. Murthy, Generation of terra Hertz electromagnetic
radiation, Proc. of Latest Trends in Microwave Devices and Circuits : Their
Applications on Communication, Osmania Univ., College for women, Koti,
Hyderabad, Aug. 30-31, p.14, 1999.
34. R. J. Rajesh, P. B. Bisht
and B. M. Sivaram, “Studies on simulations and experimental
observations of diffraction efficiency of the laser induced dynamic grating
of cresyl violet in methanol”, Abstracts of Seminar on Ultrafast
Process in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, University of Madras, March
11-13, p.-23, 1998.
35. R. J. Rajesh, P. B. Bisht
and B. M. Sivaram, “Calculations on diffraction efficiency of laser
induced gratings by using Kramers-Kronig relation”, Proc. of
Symposium On Mathematical Methods and Applications (OSMMA-98), December 22,
p: 10-11,1998.
(D). Book Chapters
1. Sandeep and P. B. Bisht,
Determination of femtosecond dephasing times of organic dyes confined in a
single spherical microparticle, Femtochemistry & Femtobiology:
Ultrafast Events in Molecular Science M.M. Martin & J. T. Hynes (eds).,
(Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2004), 549-552.
2. T.
Bizjak, P. B. Bisht, S.
Lochbrunner, and E. Riedle
Femtosecond transient spectroscopy of the photoionization of indole in
water, Femtochemistry and Femtobiology: Ultrafast Events
in Molecular Science, M. M. Martin and J. T. Hynes, eds. (Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 2004), 229-232.
3. R.
J. Rajesh, R. Radhan and P. B. Bisht, Simulation of best fit
parameters for femtosecond pulse generation in Figure of Eight Laser, Femtochemistry
and Femtobiology: Ultrafast Dynamics in Molecular Science, (Word
scientific, 2002), 583-586.
(E). In unrefereed Journals Indian and Foreign
1. P. B. Bisht, Hrvoje
Petek and Keitaro Yoshihara, Exciplex formation in
naphthalene-triethylamine vdW complexes in free jet expansion
Review of IMS, Japan.
III-G-1 p.46, (1992)
2. P. B. Bisht, Hrvoje
Petek and Keitaro Yoshihara, Exciplex formation in anthracene-dimethylaniline
vdW complexes in free jet expansion
Review of IMS, Japan III-G-2, p.46 (1992).
3. P. B. Bisht, H. Petek
and K. Yoshihara, Excited state enol-keto tautomerisation in salicylic
acid: A supersonic free jet study,
Review of IMS, Japan III-F-2 p.48 (1995).
4. Yoshihara et al., Dynamical
aspects of ultrafast intermolecular electron transfer faster than solvation
process: substituent effects and energy gap dependence,
Review of IMS, III-A-2 p.41 (1995).
5. P. B. Bisht, Studies
on cavity quantum electrodynamic effects and events on ultrafast time
Madras News, 5 p. 6-7 (2002).
6. P. B. Bisht, Abstracts of the lectures published
on following topics i.
“Einstein’s relations”,
ii. “Ultrafast pulse
generation”, iii. “Time-correlated
single photon counting”, iv.
“Measurement of ultrafast pulses”, v. “Detectors for ultrafast processes”, vi. “Interference”, vii. “Supersonic free
jet” in Proc. of UGC refresher
course, IIT Madras,
Jan 15-29, (2002).
7. P. B. Bisht, Probing carbon
nano-materials by ultrafast lasers: Techniques, Spectroscopy and Nonlinear
Optics, Refresher School organized by Professor S. Ramaprabhu, 2007, IIT