Statistical Physics [Jan - May, 2019]
The course will comprise of the following chapters
Chapter 1: Probability
[PDF] One Random Variable
[PDF] Moments & Cumulants
[PDF] Important Probability Distributions
[PDF] Many Random Variables
[PDF] Central Limit Theorem
[PDF] Entropy & Probability
Chapter 2: Classical Statistical Mechanics
[PDF] Micro-canonical Ensemble
[PDF] Two-level Systems
[PDF] Ideal Gas
[PDF] Entropy of mixing & Gibbs Paradox
[PDF] Canonical Ensemble
[PDF] Gibbs Canonical Ensemble
[PDF] Grand Canonical Ensemble
Chapter 3: Quantum Statistical Mechanics
[PDF] Photon gas, Vibrations of a solid &
Ideal gas of real particles
[PDF] Fermi gas in a metal
[PDF] Classical limit of Quantum statistics
1) Statistical Physics of Particles by Mehran Kardar, Cambridge University Press, 2007
2) Lectures on Phase Transition and the Re-normalization Group by Nigel Goldenfeld
3) Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics by David Chandler, Oxford University Press,
1) Statistical Mechanics by Kerson Huang, Wiley, 1987
2) Statistical Mechanics by S. K. Ma, World Scientific Publishing Company, 1985
3) Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics by Frederick Reif, McGraw-Hill, 1965