
A cosmologist by profession, my name is Dhiraj Kumar Hazra. You have reached the pages that are maintained for making the bi-spectrum code BINGO publicly available.

My research interests include: various aspects of inflationary cosmology, physics of the early universe and the cosmic microwave background. I am currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP), Pohang, Korea. I had completed my thesis work at the Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India, under the supervision of Dr. L. Sriramkumar. My thesis work was focused on investigating the possibility of features in the inflationary power spectrum and the generation of non-Gaussianities.

My academic history is as follows:

My list of publications and preprints from arXiv and iNSPIRE can be obtained from the links provided.