Head, Alternative Energy and Nanotechnology Laboratory (AENL)
Department of Physics, IIT Madras,
Chennai 600036.
Phone: (O) + 91 44 22574862; (M) + 91 94446 02362
Email: ramp@iitm.ac.in.
Research scholars

Shubhang Srivastava
Nanomaterials for Lubricant and Coolant Applications

Amel Krishnan
Nano fluids and Nano Coolants.

Tanwir Ansari
Development of Solid State Lithium Sulfur batteries

Abhaya Prasada Mohapatra
Hydrogen Storage

Sai Swaroop
High Entropy Oxides for Batteries and Supercapacitors
Prime Minister Research Fellow
Gold Medalist, Integrated M.Tech - Nanotechnology (2016-2021), Central Univ. of Jharkhand, Ranchi.
Jhansi Rani M
Fuel cells

Dr. Lavanya
Project Officer

Dr. Dhanya A. R.
Project Officer
project staff

Project Technician

Project Associate

Project Associate

Dr. T. R. Kesavan
Hydrogen absorption in cubic Laves phase Zr based alloys (1998).

Dr. N. Mani
Hydrogen absorption studies in Zr/Mm based AB2 , AB3 , AB5 alloys (2004). Vice President, R&D, Ingsman Energy and Fuel Cell Research organization, Chennai.

Dr. M. Kandavel
Hydrogen absorption studies in Ti/Zr and Mg based nanomaterials (2005). Principal R &D Engineer - Hydrogen Systems, Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, UK.

Dr. M. Krishna Kumar
Photo Electrochemical – photovoltaic production of Hydrogen and hydrogen sensors (2008). Scientist I, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Singapore.

Dr. R. B. Rakhi
Nanostructured materials for energy and biological related applications (2009). Best thesis Laskar Award in Physics-2009. Principal Scientist, CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram, India

Dr. R. Imran Jafri
Synthesis of Carbon based nanomaterials and their application in Fuel cells and Supercapacitors (2011). Best thesis Laskar Award in Physics 2011. Assistant Professor Christ University, Bangalore.

Dr. Tessy Theres Baby
Carbon based nano materials for field emission, Bio sensors and nanofluids applications (2012). Bhagyalakshmi & Krishna Ayengar Award 2012. Research Scientist, KIT, Germany.

Dr. Eswaraiah V
Carbon nano structures reinforced polymer composites for EMI shielding, Nanolubricant and their mechanical properties (2013). Research Assistant Professor, SRM University, Chennai.

Dr. Adarsh Kaniyoor
Carbon nanostructured ensembles for photo voltaics & gas sensing applications (2013).Best thesis Laskar Award in Physics-2013. Bhagyalakshmi & Krishna Ayengar Award 2013. Research Associate at University of Cambridge.

Dr. Tamilarasan P.
Synthesis of ionic liquid functionalized carbon nanomaterials and their applications in super capacitor, carbon dioxide capture and conversion (2014). Best thesis in Ph.D in Energy/Physics, 2014. Scientist & Assistant Professor (AcSIR), CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi, India.

Dr. Pranati Nayak
Applications of Carbon Based Nano Materials in Biosensors and field emission (2015). Best thesis Laskar Award in Physics-2015. Institute research award-2015. Newton Fellow, University of Oxford.

Dr. Jaidev H.
Synthesis of metal oxide nanostructures. Nano fluid, Supercapacitor, Photoluminescence, Gas sensors (2016). Assistant Prof., Jabalpur Engineering College, India.

Dr. Ashok P
Heteroatom doped nancarbon supported noble and non- noble metal as cathode catalyst for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (2017).

Sneha (MS student)
Synthesis and tribological studies of carbon nanomaterials dispersed oil based lubricant (2017). Research Engineer, Saint Gobain, India.

Dr. A.S. Asalatha
Contact metal permeation effects and potential hydrogen storage in carbon-based materials (2018). Institute Research Award-2018. Research Associate at IIT-Madras.

Dr. Priji C
Study of electrochemical characteristics of carbon nanocomposites for fuel cell and sodium ion battery applications (2019). Best thesis in Ph.D in Energy/Physics – 2019 (Mrs. Abayambal & Mr. Natrajan Award).

Dr. Sandhyarani M.
Carbon Hybrid Nanocomposites for energy storage energy conservation and environmental applications (2020). Best thesis in Ph.D in Energy/Physics – 2021 (Mrs. Abayambal & Mr. Natrajan Award).
Postdoctoral Researcher, Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea.

Dr. Ajay Piriya V.S.
Design of Electrode Materials for the Advancement of Sodium-ion/sulfur, Iron ion and Aluminium ion Batteries (2020).
Institute Research Award-2019. Best thesis in Ph.D in Energy/Physics-2020. Best thesis in the area of Environment-Friendly Technologies-2020 (GE Ecomagination Excellence Award). Post Doctoral Research Fellow at University College London.

Dr. Sai Smruti Samantaray

Dr. Nisha Ranjan
Functional group mediated nanomaterials-fluid interaction for energy and environmental applications
Post Doctoral researcher, University of Freiburg, Germany

Dr. Mamta
High entropy oxides and carbon based materials for electrochemical energy storage and desalination by capacitive deionization
Post Doctoral fellow, Bar-Ilan university, Ramat Gan, Israel
Design and Development of Flexible Polymer Nano composite Based Strain Sensors and Gas sensors.
Best Thesis in Physics - Laskar Award 2024
Research Engineer, Saint-Gobain, Chennai.

Dr. Sana Fathima T. K.
Metal Organic Frameworks (MOF) and their Nanocomposites for Enery, Environment and Health Applications.

Dr. Dhanya A. R.
Transition metal-based nanocomposites and alloy hydrides for applications in
hydrogen storage, fuel cell, and ammonia production.

Dr. R. Sivakumar
Hydrogen absorption studies in Zr based AB3 alloys (2000). Professor, Department of Physics, Pondicherry University.

Dr. M. M. Shaijumon
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes and energy-related applications (2005). Professor, Department of Physics, IISER Thiruvananthapuram.

Dr. A. Leela Mohana Reddy
Nanostructured materials for optical switches and Fuel cells (2007). Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies; Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Wayne State University, USA.
Bhagyalakshmi & Krishna Ayengar Award – 2007.

Dr. G. Srinivas
Effect of hydrogen on the thermo-power and magnetocaloric effect in materials (2008). Senior Researcher, Department of Chemical Engineering, University College London (UCL), UK.

Dr. Neetu Jha
Carbon nanotubes based direct methanol fuel cells and biosensor applications (2009). UGC Assistant Prof., Institute Of Chemical Technology, Mumbai.

Dr. Ashish Kumar Mishra
Environmental applications of metal oxide/polymer-carbon based nanocomposites (2011). Best thesis Laskar Award in Physics 2012. Assistant Professor, IIT – BHU, Varanasi.

Dr. Jyothirmayee Aravind S S
Carbon based nano materials for fuel cells, Bio sensors and nanofluids applications (2012).
Postdoctoral fellow, University of Wyoming, USA.

Dr. Basanth. S. Kalanoor
Optical nonlinearity and dynamics of the graphene composites and laser dyes on picoseconds time scale (2013). Data Scientist, Materials Zone, Israel.

Dr. Vinayan B P
Carbon based nano materials for fuel Cell, hydrogen storage and Lithium ion battery application (2013). Best thesis Laskar Award in Physics 2013. Process Engineer, Battery Production, CELLFORCE GROUP, Germany.

Dr. Divya P.
Carbon based nano materials for fuel Cell, hydrogen storage and drug delivery applications (2015).

Dr. Mridula Baro H.
Applications of nanomaterial in Solar Cell and hydrogen sensors, nanofluid technology (2015). Assistant Prof., Cotton University, Guwahati.

Dr. Madhumita Sahoo
Applications of nanomaterials in nanofluids, fuel cell and Li-ion battery (2016). Institute Research Award-2016. Best thesis Laskar Award in Physics -2017. Fuel Cell Materials Lead Engineer, Volvo Group, Sweden.

Dr.Divya N
Investigation of carbon heterostructures for photovoltaic application & hydrogen induced properties of TiO2 nanocomposites (2017). Research Associate, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai.

Dr. Rashmi Chandrabhan Shende
Thermo optical, Tribological & electrochemical studies on novel carbon nanocomposites for energy applications (2017). Institute Research Award-2017. Best thesis Laskar Award in Physics -2018. Researcher at Graphene Lab, TATA Steel.

Dr. Arpita Ghosh
Investigation of Electrochemical Properties of Carbon Nanostructures in Conjunction with Metal based Composites Towards Energy Conversion and Storage Applications (2018). Institute Research Award 2018. Post Doctoral Fellow at Sorbonne University, France.

Dr. Sreetama Ghosh
Carbon capture and electrochemical CO2 reduction utilizing metal oxide and metal carbide based carbon nanocomposites (2019). Institute Research award – 2019, Bhagyalakshmi & Krishna Ayengar Award – 2019. Assistant Professor, CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre, Vellore Institute of Technology, India.

Dr. Vasumathy Ravishankar
Studies on Ion Transport Through Graphene Oxide Membranes (2020). Post Doctoral Fellow at IISc Bangalore.

Dr. Meenakshi Seshadhri
Synthesis and Applications of Carbon Based Nanocomposites for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Devices (2020). Institute Research Award-2020. Post Doctoral Fellow at IT, Czech Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Vani R
Mechanically stable, Self humidifying, Eco-friendly and Economical membranes for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (2020).
Senior Scientist - Electrochemistry, Ohmium India Pvt Ltd.

Dr Guruprasad Hegde
Development of electrolyte and electrode materials for “beyond Lithium-ion batteries”
Assistant Manager-Research engineer, Ola electric

Dr. Dipsikha Ganguly
Applications of nanomaterials in fuel cells and battery applications.
Research Scientist, Volt 14 solutions,Singapore
Keshav Ranganath Award – 2021

Dr. Anamika Ghosh
Magnetic Nano-composites for Electrochemical Biosensing and Energy Applications
Institute Research Award - 2023
Post Doctoral Fellow, TU Delft, Netherlands.

Arindam Chatterjee (MS student)
Exploring Alternative Li-ion Based Battery Technologies and Green Hydrogen Generation Through Overall Water-Splitting
Institute Research Award - 2023
Bhagylakshmi and Iyengar Award (Best M.S. Thesis in Energy/ Physics)
Sudharshan Bhat Memorial Prize (Best M.S. thesis)

Mechanisms and schemes to design Electrodes for Lithium-Sulfar and Aluminium-Ion Batteries: A First Principles Investigation.
Thesis to be submitted abhijithvg1992@gmail.com

Raghunath Sahoo
Nanomaterials for EMI Shielding and Secondary batteries
Thesis to be submitted