202. Invited talk on “Nano materials for energy applications” Workshop on Advances in Nanotechnology, Deakin-IIT Madras Centre of Excellence in Advanced Materials and Manufacturing, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai, India (23-12-2018)
201. Invited talk on “Hydrogen in Stationery & Mobile Applications” 7th International Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Conference (IHFC-2018), Fairfield by Marriott, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India (10-12-2018)
200. Invited talk on “Multipurpose Electroactive Material For Cost Effective Battery Technology” Italy- India Bilateral Workshop on Renewable energy technologies at the crossroads of glocal energy grids, UNICAM – University of Camerino, Italy (17-09-2018)
199. Invited talk on “Synthesis of carbon nanocomposites and their energy storage storage applications” CEMES, University of Toulouse, France (23.05.2018)
198. Invited talk on “Energy Applications of carbon nanocatalysts” ENSIAT, University of Toulouse, France (15.05.2018)
197. Invited talk on “Recent Trends in Sustainable Green Technologies” Department of Chemistry under the aegis of TEQUIP, DEI, Dayalbagh, Agra, India (05.05.2018)
196. Invited talk on “Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials for Renewable Energy devices” International Conference on Momentous role of Nanomaterials in Renewable Energy devices, Department of Physics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India (02.03.2018)
195. Invited talk on “Carbon Nanomaterials for Clean Energy Generation and Storage” International Seminar on Advanced Nanomaterials, National Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India (28.02.2018)
194. Invited talk at International conference on “Advanced Materials” Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India (26.02.2018)
193. Invited talk on “Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes applications” International Conference on Composites Manufacturing Technologies and Applications, Hyderabad, India (19.01.2018 )
192. Invited talk on “Carbon Nanomaterials for Clean Energy Generation and Storage” Indo-US Bilateral Workshop on Nanotechnology for Clean Energy Generation and Storage, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India (11.01.2018)
191. Invited talk on “Synthesis And Energy Applications Of Carbon Based Functional Materials Through Strategic Functionalization” Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University, Australia (08.11.2017)
190. Invited talk on “Basics and Energy applications of carbon based nanomaterials” Hindustan Institute of technology and science, Chennai,Tamil nadu, India (07.09.2017)
189. Invited talk on “Synthesis And Energy Applications Of Advanced Carbon Based Functional Materials Through Strategic Functionalization” at Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University, Hyderabad (29.07.2017 )
188. Chair person for “Developing scientific attitude among students through science teaching” during Teaching of science curriculum seminar State Council of Educational Research and Training, Anna University, Chennai ( 21.07. 2017 )
187. Invited talk on “Science and Technology of nanomaterials, synthesis and charcterisation of CNT & graphene, Energy related and enevironmental applications of nanomaterials, nanofluids and nanolubricants” National seminar on Nanomaterials and it applications, Thiyagaraj college of engineering, Madurai,Tamil Nadu , India (31.03.17)
186. Invited talk on “Synthesis and energy apllication of carbon based advanced functional materials” International workshop on advanced functional nanomaterials, (IWAN 4$), (22.03.17 )
185. Invited talk on “Energy application or Nanofluid” National seminar on Advances in Material Science-NSAMS 2017,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India (02 .03.17 – 03.03.17)
184. Invited talk on “Science of Nanomaterials” Workshop on Physics Education and Research, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (29.12.2016)
183. Invited talk on “Science of Nanomaterials” Workshop on Physics Education and Research, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (29.12.2016)
182. Invited talk on “Engineering Carbon Based Nanomaterials For Applications” National Seminar on Recent Advances in Nanoscience and Technology, Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University (42649)
181. Invited talk on “Synthesis and application of carbon nanotube and reduced graphene oxide” Graphene symbosium 2016, Victor Menzes Convention Center, IIT Bombay (10.08.2016 )
180. Invited talk on “ENGINEERING HYBRID CARBON NANOMATERIALS FOR DIFFERENT APPLICATIONS” Global Initiative on Academic Network, (GIAN) by MHRD, a short course on Nanotechnology: From Fundamentals to Practice at IISER Thiruvananthapuram (17.06.2016)
179. Invited talk on “Synthesis and applications of carbon nanotubes and reduced graphene oxide” CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA (17.06.2016 )
178. Invited Lecture on “1.Basics of nanoscience and nanotechnology, 2.Carbon nanotubes and graphene:- synthesis and applications, 3.Applications of nanomaterials, 4. Hydrogen in nanomaterials” STC on Energy Resources Management in Current Scenario, (ERMICS ’16) at Government College of Technology, Coimbatore (09.04.2016)
177. Invited Lecture on “Investigation On New Electrode Materials For Lithium Batteries” EMN Nanotechnology Conference, Dubai (02.04.2016)
176. Invited Lecture on “Engineering Carbon Based Nanomaterials For Energy & Environmental Applications” at Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Guwahati (01.03.2016)
175. Prof.K.M. Karunakaran Endowment Lecture on “Nanomaterials and their applications” at Madras Christian College,chennai ( 23.01.2016 )
174. Invited Lecture on “Nano Materials and their applications” ASM INTERNATIONAL CHENNAI CHAPTER & MADRAS METALLURGICAL SOCIETY, (MMS), Chennai ( 23.01.2016)
173. Invited Lecture on “Synthesis and characterizations of 1 D CNT and 2 D reduced graphene oxide” at Refresher course, Madras University, Chennai (30.11.15 )
172. Invited Lecture on “Applications of 2 D reduced graphene oxide” at Refresher course, Madras University, Chennai (30.11.15 )
171. Invited talk on “Current development trends in electrochemical secondary battery technology” ADVANCED BATTERY SYSTEMS FOR AEROSPACE APPLICATIONS, RCI, Hyderabad (16.11.2015 )
170. Lecture on “State of the art in the synthesis of graphene based composites and their applications” JAIST, Japan (30.09.2015 )
169. Lecture on “Carbon nanomaterials for Li battery and Fuel cells applications” at PoSDAC-2015, PSSL / DSST, RCI, Hyderabad (28.04.2015 )
168. Lecture on “Applications of Nanomaterials” at Refresher course, Madras University, Chennai (09.02.15 )
167. Lecture on “Synthesis and characterization of Nanomaterials” at Refresher course, Madras University, Chennai (09.02.15)
166. Keynote lecture on “Green Technologies for Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control” in an International conference, Trichy, India (29.09.2014)
165. Invited talk on “Carbon based nanomaterials for energy applications” at International symposium on Energy Materials for Automotive Application in JAIST, Japan, (04.08.2014)
164. Invited talk on “Science of carbon based Nanomaterials; Applications of nanomaterials” in summer school on Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, (20 & 21.05.14)
163. Invited talk on “Nanotechnology” at Agni College of Technology, OMR, Thalambur, Chennai (09.05.2014)
162. Invited lecture on “Engineered Electrodes for Electrochemical Energy Storage” by Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF), Hotel Green Park, Chennai (03.04.14)
161. Invited lecture on “Hydrogen Energy Storage Technology” in Advances in Energy Storage for Energy Management and broader use of Renewable Sources workshop at Institute for Energy Studies, Anna University, Chennai-600025, Tamil Nadu (27.03.14)
160. Plenary talk in “Micro and nano composites–principles, manufacturing and applications” at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai (20.03.2014)
159. Plenary Lecture on “Advanced Materials” International Workshop on (IWAM-2014), School of Physics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi (20.03.2014)
158. Invited talk on “Carbon based nanomaterials for energy application” in Materials for energy conversion and storage (MECS 2014), Pondicherry University, Pondicherry (08.03.14)
157. Keynote address in “Advances in Nanomaterials” (Prof. Evelyn Rhine Lecture Series) at Lady Doak College,Madurai (25.02.2014)
156. Guest Lecture on “Basics of Nanomaterials” in Refresher Course on Nano sciences at University of Madras, Chennai (21.11.2013)
155. Invited talk on “Carbon nanostructures for Solar photovoltaics” at One day International Seminar on Nanostructure-based Solar photovoltaics, VIT, Chennai (22.10.2013).
154. Invited talk on “Naomaterials for biomedical applications” in National Seminar on Recent Trends in Nanobiotechnology , Centre for Nanoscience &Technology, Anna University, Chennai (20.09.13)
153. Invited talk on “Nanomaterials and applications” AMPD-2013, Department of materials science, School of Chemistry, Madurai Kamaraj University, School of Chemistry, Madurai (16.07.13)
152. Invited talk on “Platinum decorated chemically modified Graphite Oxide-Multiwalled carbon nanotube composite as cathode catalyst for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Application” in Hypothesis X, Edinburgh, UK (11.06.2013)
151. Talk on “Nanomaterials” to summer fellowship students at IITM, IIT Madras, Chennai (26.05.2013)
150. Invited talk on “Synthesis and Applications of Nanomaterials for drug delivery” in Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai (16.03.2013)
149. National seminar on “Nanotechnology in Materials Engineering and Energy Applications: Present Scenario” at VIT University, Chennai campus, on 23rd February, 2013
148. Invited talk in “ISMC-2012 BARC” ISMC-2012 BARC, Mumbai (13.12. 2012)
147. Invited talk on “Advanced Materials” in Banglore Nano, Bangalore (7.12.2012)
146. Lecture on “Applications of Nanomaterials” at Refresher course, Madras University, Chennai (29.11.12)
145. Lecture on “Synthesis and characterization of Nanomaterials” at Refresher course, Madras University, Chennai (28.11.12)
144. Lecture on “Preparation and Applications of Carbon Nano Materials” at Nano revelation 2012, Science City-National Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Madras, Chennai (02.11.12)
143. Lecture on “Applications of Carbon nanotubes” at School of Advanced Sciences, VIT-Chennai (08.09.2012)
142. Lecture on “Synthesis, characterization of Carbon nanotubes” at School of Advanced Sciences, VIT-Chennai (08.09.2012)
141. Invited talk on “Carbon nanotubes and Graphene -Energy related applications” at Loyola Physics association, Loyola college, Chennai (24.08.2012)
140. Invited talk on “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology-Applications” in DST sanctioned National Seminar on Applications of Nanotechnology in Energy Capture, Transform & Storage at PBR Visvodaya Institute of Tech & Science, Nellore (03.08.2012)
139. Invited talk on “Applications of Nanomaterials” at Chemflash’ National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal (27.07.2012)
138. Invited talk on “Alternative Fuels” in Mahindra & Mahindra, Chennai (19.07.2012)
137. Invited talk on “Applications of nanomaterials” in Research Science Initiative Chennai, IITM, Chennai (06.05.2012)
136. Invited talk on “Basics of Nanomaterials and characterization” in Research Science Initiative Chennai, IITM, Chennai (05.05.2012)
135. Invited talk on “Carbon based nanomaterials for space applications” at Department of Space, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram (19.03.2012)
134. Lecture on “Synthesis and Applications of Carbon nanomaterilas” in Workshop on Emerging Materials and Applications, Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technolog, Chennai (03.03.2012).
133. Invited talk on “Phenomena at Nanoscale” in Science Day Celebration, Science City, Chennai (28.02.2012)
132. Invited talk on “CNT, graphene and its applications” in Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology, at VIT university, Chennai (18.02.2012)
131. Guest lecture on “Synthesis of Carbon based Nanomaterials” at NITTTR, Chennai (14.02.2012).
130. Guest lecture on “Applications of Carbon based Nanomaterials” at NITTTR, Chennai (14.02.2012 ).
129. Invited talk on “Nanomaterials and applications” at QIP in Madras University, Chennai (01.02.2012).
128. Presentation on “Recent advances in applications of nanomaterials” at Indo-US S&T Forum (IUSSTF), Hotel Taj Deccan, Hyderabad. (21.01.2012).
127. Invited talk on “Energy related applications of CNT and graphene” at ICONSAT 2012, Hotel Taj Deccan, Hyderabad (22.01.2012).
126. Invited talk on “Applications of nanomaterials” at Workshop on QIP, Anna University, Chennai ( 16.12.2011)
125. Invited talk on “Processing of carbon based nanocomposites and their biomedical applications” at The 9th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Toyo University, Japan (10.12.2011)
124. Invited lecture on “Applications of carbon based Nanomaterials” at Refresher course on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for college teachers, University of Madras, Chennai (21.11.2011)
123. Invited talk on “Nanomaterials for Energy” at Workshop on Nanoscience and Nanothechnology, Science City, Chennai (20.10.2011)
122. Invited talk on “Synthesis and characterization of Graphene based composites” at IITM-DUBIN UK meet, IITM, Chennai (23.09.2011)
121. Invited talk on “Synthesis and applications of Graphene based composites” at Asia Pacific International Conference, Anna University, Chennai (23.09.2011)
120. Invited talk on “Nanomaterials for Industrial Wastewater Treatment” at INDO-UK Workshop On Current Development of Wastewater Treatment- Advanced Separation Processes (2011), National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India (29.8.2011)
119. Invited talk on “Nanomaterials for renewable energy and lubricant applications” at Conference on Application of Nano Materials in Manufacturing, Confederation of Indian Industry (SR), Hotel Sheraton Park, Chennai (14.9.2011)
118. Invited talk on “Nanomaterials and applications” at National Conference on Nanotechnology in Engineering (NCNTE – 2011), Sriram Engineering College, Chennai (25.8.2011)
117. Invited talk on “Carbon nanotubes and graphene:- synthesis and applications” at National Conf on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NCNN-2011), Madras university, Chennai (26.8.2011)
116. Invited talk on “CNT:- Synthesis, Characterization and applications” at SSN College, Chennai (12.08.2011)
115. Invited talk on “CNT and Graphene:- synthesis and applications” at University of Bayreuth, Germany (13.07.2011)
114. Invited talk on “Energy and Environmental Applications of nanomaterials” at Vivekananda college, Tiruchengode (2.6.2011)
113. Invited talk on “Synthesis of nanomaterials” at Vivekananda college, Tiruchengode (1.6.2011)
112. Invited talk on “Synthesis of nanomaterials” at Madras University, Chennai (12.5.2011)
111. Invites talk on “Applications of nanomaterials” at Madras University, Chennai (12.5.2011)
110. Invited talk on “Hydrogen Storage Nanomaterials” at GAIL, Noida, New delhi ( 06.03.2011)
109. Invited talk on “National Workshop on preraration and Characterization of nanomaterials (NWPCN-2011)” at university fo Madras, Chennai (14.03.2011)
108. Invited talk on “Energy and Environmental Application of Nanomaterials” at National Institute of Technical Teacher Training and Research, Chennai(15.02.2011)
107. Invited talk on “Basics of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” at Stella Maris College, Chennai (08.01.2011)
106. Invited talk on “Basics of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” at Meenakshi College, Chennai (15.01.2011)
105. Guest lecture on “Nanomaterials” the in Workshop in ‘Physics Education and Research’ 20 – 25 Dec 2010 at IITM.
104. Invited talk on “Introduction to nanomaterials” in Physics Symposium at Lyola College, Chennai, December 10, 2010.
103. Invited talk on “Graphene:- a wonderful material” in Refresher Course in Nanosciences
102. Invited talk on “Energy related applications of Carbon based nanomaterials” in Refresher Course in Nanosciences
101. Talk on “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” in Nissan day, IITM, October 26, 2010
100. Talk on “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology activities” at IITM during an interactive session with DRDO, at IIT Madras on 1st October 2010
99. Talk on “Importance of nanotechnology in the knowledge of economy” at the brain storming session on Nanotechnology: an initiative on curriculum development, at IITM, Chennai, September 27, 2010.
98. Invited talk “Energy related applications of Carbon based nanomaterials” September 10-17, 2010, ANM Conference, Morocco.
97. Invited talk “Energy related applications of nanomaterials” in INDO-US Fourth Round Table, September 22, 2010, IISc, Bangalore.
96. Talk on “Carbon Nanotubes: Energy Related Applications” AICTE-QIP program, Energy, Environmental and biomedical applications of Nanotechnology, September 20-25, 2010, IITM, Chennai.
95. Talk on “Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis” AICTE-QIP program, Energy, Environmental and biomedical applications of Nanotechnology, September 20-25, 2010, IITM, Chennai.
94. Talk on “Nanomaterials: Processing” AICTE-QIP program, Energy, Environmental and biomedical applications of Nanotechnology, September 20-25, 2010, IITM, Chennai.
93. Talk on “Nanomaterials:- basic properties” AICTE-QIP program on the aspect of Energy, Environmental and biomedical applications of Nanotechnology , September 20-25, 2010, IITM, Chennai.
92. Invited talk in “Workshop on nanoscience and nanotechnology” August 24-27, 2010, Science City Auditorium, Chennai.
91. Invited talk in “One day workshop on Nanomaterials” August 21, 2010, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering.
90. Invited talk titled “Applications of nanomaterials for renewable energy” in International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Renewable Energy August 20, 2010, Anna University, Chennai.
89. Invited talk titled “Application of Nanotechnology in Energy & Environment” July 23-25, 2010, Sathyabama University, Chennai.
88. Invited talk titled “Hydrogen energy related applications of nanomaterials” June 2, 2010, University College of London, UK.
87. Invited talk on the course “Nanotechnology for various industry and academia” April 25, 2010, IITM, Chennai.
86. DRDO sponsored national conference on “Recent advances in crystal growth and nanoscience” March 26-27, 2010, Kongu Engineering College, Erode.
85. National Level Symposium on “The Future Prospects of Nanobiotechnology-Health & Environment” March 18, 2010, Seshadripuram First Grade College, Bangalore.
84. Invited talk in “NCRTCR-2010” March 7, 2010, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Srinivasnagar, Mangalore.
83. Invited talk in “International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN 2010)” February 24-26, 2010, SRM University, Chennai.
82. Invited talk in “Multifunctional Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites” February 4-5, 2010, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
81. Invited talk titled “Nano fluids” February 1-2, 2010, Tata Steel, Jamshedpur.
80. Invited talk in National Conference on “Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (NCMESC-2010)” January 23, 2010, Department Of Physics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India.
79. Invited talk titled “Energy related applications of nanomaterials:- an overview” January 6, 2010, 97th Indian Science Congress, Trivandrum.
78. Invited talk titled “Applications of nanomaterials for hydrogen energy” in ISOHIM 2009-, International Conference on Hydrogen in matter, December 15, 2009, IITM, Chennai.
77. Invited talk titled “Nano fluids” December 4, 2009, BHEL, Bangalore.
76. Invited talk titled “Nanomaterials:- Synthesis, Properties And Environmental Applications” National Conference on Nanomaterials for Energy Harvesting (NaMEH’09), December 2, 2009, Madurai.
75. Invited talk titled “Advances in nanoscience and technology” at JNTU, Hyderabad on November 30, 2009.
74. Invited talk titled “Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties And Applications” in Refresher course for teachers on Nanosciences, November 13, 2009, Madras University, Chennai.
73. Invited talk in “International conference on” Advances in nanoscience and technology, October 28-30, 2009, Anna University, Chennai,
72. Invited talk titled “Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Environmental Applications” in National seminar of Nanotechnology for energy and environmental applications October 24, 2009, NITT, Trichirapalli.
71. Invited talk titled “Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications” September 22, 2009, Meenakshi College, Chennai.
70. Invited talk titled “Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Environmental Applications” September 19, 2009, Lady Doak College, Madurai.
69. Invited talk in DRDO sponsored workshop on Nanotechnology titled “Carbon Nanotubes:-Synthesis and Applications” August 21, 2009, SSN College, Chennai.
68. Invited talk at “National Conference on Advances in Nanomaterials, Devices and Technologies (NCANDT-2009)” July 11-12, 2009, Department of Physics SV Degree College, Kadapa.
67. Invited talk titled “Carbon based Nanomaterials: Synthesis and Hydrogen Storage” May 25, 2009, Department of Physics, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
66. Invited talk titled “Carbon based Nanomaterials:-Synthesis and Energy Applications” May 20, 2009, Department of Chemistry, Darmstadt, Germany.
65. Invited talk titled “Carbon based Nanomaterials: Synthesis and Applications” May 15, 2009, Department of Physics, Duisberg, Germany.
64. Invited talk titled “Basics of Nanotechnology” May 11, 2009, to students of Padmasashadri, IITM, Chennai.
63. Invited talk titled “Nanomaterials: Properties, Synthesis and Applications” April 2009, Department of Physics, Velammal College, Chennai.
62. Invited talk titled “Nanomaterials:-Properties, Synthesis And Applications” April 4, 2009, National Level Students Technical Symposium, Tiruchengode.
61. Invited talk “Nanoscience and Technology” March 25, 2009, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai.
60. Talk in “Technology Appreciation Program” March 2, 2009 IITM, Chennai.
59. Invited talk on “Synthesis,Characterization and Applications of Nanostructured materials” February 27-28, 2008, Sri Sathya Sai University, Prasanthi Nilayam.
58. Invited talk in “International workshop on Nanoscience and technology” February 23-27, 2009, Anna University, Chennai.
57. Invited talk titled “Carbon Nanostructures: Synthesis and Applications” February 20-21, 2009, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Virudhunagar.
56. Invited talk in “HRDD program” Nanomaterials: Properties, Synthesis and Applications, February 19, 2009, VSSC, Trivandrum.
55. Invited talks titled “Nano technology: Principle, Processing, Properties and applications” at UGC Program, February 13-14, 2009, SV University, Tirupathi.
54. Invited talk titled “Synthesis and Applications of Functional Materials” January 29-30, 2009, Department of Physics, Velammal College, Chennai.
53. Invited talk in Work shop on “Hydrogen & Fuel cell technologies for future India” December 23, 2008, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Institute of Science and Technology, Centre for Environment, Hyderabad.
52. Invited talk titled “Nanomaterials: Properties, Synthesis and Energy Related Applications in” Popular Lecture December 22, 2008, Science City Auditorium, Chennai.
51. Invited talk in “Technical Meet cum Seminar on Fostering Solar Energy Research in India” November 18, 2008, DRDO, New Delhi.
50. Invited talk titled “Carbon Nanomaterials: Synthesis and Energy Related Applications: in” Recent Trends in MEMS and Nanotechnology November 3-4, 2008, NPOL.
49. Invited talk titled “National Conference on Emerging Trends in Chemical Research (NCETCR)” October 17-18, 2008, Department of Chemistry, Annamalai University.
48. Invited talk titled “Recent development in fuel cell research” October 3, 2008, Mercedes-Benz Research and Development India Private Limited, Daimler AG – GR/EBA, Bangalore.
47. Invited talk on “Processing & Applications of CNTs and Graphene” during Colloquium on Advances in Chemicals and Materials for Space Research, September 23, 2008, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram.
46. Invited talk titled “Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis and Energy Related Applications” September 12, 2008, MCC, Chennai.
45. Invited talk titled “Nanotechnology and its applications” September 16, 2008, BHEL, Hyderabad.
44. Invited talk titled “Applications of Nanomaterials” in Future Ahead for Nanotechnology (FAN’08), August 9, 2008, Vinayaka Missions University, Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology.
43. Invited talk titled “Role of nanotechnology in Energy Resources & Nanotechnology: Opportunities and Risks for Humans and Environment at the Conference on Innovations for Tomorrows world environment: nanotechnology” August 6, 2008, Periyar Mamiammai University, Thanjavur, India.
42. Invited talk titled “Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis and Energy Related Applications” June 22-25, 2008, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials, ANM 2008, Aveiro, Portugal.
41. Invited talk titled “Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis and Energy Related Applications” June 20, 2008, University of Picardie, France.
40. Invited talk titled “Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis and Applications” June 6, 2008, Materials Science Division STIP-2008, IGCAR, Chennai.
39. Talk on “Carbon Nanotubes: Biological Related Applications” AICTE-QIP program, Nanotechnology for clean energy, June 13, 2008, IITM, Chennai.
38. Talk on “Hydrogen energy technology – Part 2” AICTE-QIP program, Nanotechnology for clean energy, June 12, 2008, IITM, Chennai.
37. Talk on “Hydrogen energy technology – Part 1” AICTE-QIP program, Nanotechnology for clean energy, June 9, 2008, IITM, Chennai.
36. Talk on “Carbon Nanotubes: Energy Related Applications” AICTE-QIP program, Nanotechnology for clean energy, June 6, 2008, IITM, Chennai.
35. Talk on “Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis” AICTE-QIP program, Nanotechnology for clean energy, June 5, 2008, IITM, Chennai.
34. Talk on “Nanomaterials: Processing” AICTE-QIP program, Nanotechnology for clean energy, June 2, 2008, IITM, Chennai.
33. Talk on “Nanomaterials: basic properties” AICTE-QIP program, Nanotechnology for clean energy, June 2, 2008, IITM, Chennai.
32. Invited talk titled “Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis and Energy Related Applications” May 30, 2008, Department of Physics, NUS, Singapore.
31. Invited talk titled “Carbon Nanotubes:- Synthesis and Energy Related Applications” May 27, 2008, Engineering Science Programme, NUS, Singapore.
30. Invited talk titled “Latest Trends in Nanotechnology” at National Workshop on ‘Micro and Nanotechnology – Advances and Implications March 21- 22, 2008, Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University, Kancheepuram.
29. INDO-UK Workshop on “Low Carbon Technologies for Decentralized Power Production” March 17-18, 2008, IITM, Chennai.
28. Invited talk titled “New materials:- Technological options & Applications of new materials” TSD Course 2008, March 10, 2008, IITM, Chennai.
27. Invited talk titled “Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis and Energy & Biological Related Applications” Prof. C.Srinivasan Endowment Lecture, 25, Feb 2008, one day program at the School of Chemistry, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
26. Invited talk titled “Latest Trends in Nanotechnology” National Seminar-cum- Workshop on Nanotechnology & Nanobiotechnology, February 14- 6, 2008, Department of Biotechnology, Sathyabama University, Chennai.
25. National Conference on “Latest Trends in Nanotechnology” Nanomaterials: Synthesis & Energy, Biological and Environmental Related Applications, January 5, 2008, V. P. M’s Polytechnic, Thane.
24. K. S. Krishnan Discussion Meeting on “Frontiers in Quantum Science” Processing and applications of CNTs and Graphene, December 11-12, 2007, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.
23. STTP on “Fuel Cells: Power Source of the Future” Nanotechnology for Fuel Cells, 01 Dec to December 7, 2007, IITM, Chennai.
22. Invited talk on “Processing, energy and biological applications of nanomaterials” Bangalore Nano 2007 Conference, December 6-7, 2007, Department of IT and Biotechnology, Government of Karnataka, JNCASR and MM, Bangalore.
21. Lecture titled “Nanomaterials: Environmental and Water Related Applications of Carbon based Nanomaterials” September 29, 2007, Civil Engineering Department, SRM, Chennai.
20. Lecture titled “Processing & Energy Applications of Nanomaterials” September 18, 2007, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia.
19. Lecture titled “Energy and Biological Applications of Nanomaterials” September 17, 2007, NUS, Singapore.
18. Lecture titled “Processing & Energy Applications of Nanomaterials” August 23, 2007, CVRDE, DRDO, Avadi, Chennai.
17. Invited talk titled “Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis and Energy Related Applications” July 19, 2007, Rochester Institute of Technology, (nanopowder research labs), Rochester, USA.
16. Lecture titled “Hydrogen Storage Properties of Materials” May 25, 2007, DMSRDE, Kanpur.
15. Lecture titled “Nanomaterials: Synthesis & Energy, Biological and Environmental Related Applications” during National workshop on Nanostructured Materials and Applications May 5, 2007, IC & SR, Technology Appreciation Program (TAP), IITM, Chennai.
14. Lecture titled “Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis and Energy Related Applications” April 4, 2007, Anna University, Chennai.
13. Lecture titled “Nanomaterials: Environmental and Water Related Applications of Carbon based Nanomaterials” UGC Sponsored National Workshop on Nanotechnology: Environmental Implications and Solutions (NEIS 2007), March 9-10, 2007, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar.
12. Key note address titled “Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Energy & Biological Related Applications” during National Symposium on Nnanoscience and Nanotechnology, February 7-8, 2007, School of life sciences, VEL’s College of Science, Chennai.
11. Lecture titled “Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis and Energy Related Applications” during National workshop on Nanostructured Materials and Applications, January 23-25, 2007, Stella Maris College (Autonomous), Chennai.
10. Lecture titled “Processing & Energy Applications of Nanomaterials” July 2006, Andhra University, Vishakhapattnam.
9. Lecture titled “Processing & Energy Applications of Carbon Nanotubes” July 2006, NTPL, Vishakhapattnam.
8. Lecture titled “Nanotechnology: Current Status, Goals and Scientific Challenges” November 10, 2006, ‘Knowledge Economy’ IITM, Chennai.
7. Lecture titled “Carbon Nanostructures for Energy Storage” during International Workshop on Science and Applications of Nano Structured Materials, Department of Physics, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL), Prasanthinilayam.
6. Lecture titled “Carbon Nanostructures for Energy Storage” during International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONSAT 2006), August 26-28, 2006, University of Madras, Chennai.
5. Lecture titled “Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis and Energy Related Applications” in A Short Term course on Nanosciences and Engineering , September 28-October 8, 2005, Visvesaraya Technological University, Bangalore.
4. Workshop on “Perspectives in Nanotechnology” October 22, 2005, S.R.M. Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur.
3. Lecture titled “Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis and Energy Related Applications” during International Symposium on Frontiers in Nanoscale Science, Technology and Education, Kochi.
2. Workshop on “Hydrogen as Alternative Fuel – Emerging Technologies: Production, Storage, Handling and Applications” March 16, 2005, Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University, Hyderabad.
1. Lecture titled “Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis and Energy Related Applications” Indo-German Sci-Tech Forum – Scientific Workshops in the Fields of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology , Environmental research and Technologies, nanotechnology, November 3-4, 2004,IIT Madras, Chennai.