Emeritus Professor
Head, Alternative Energy and Nanotechnology Laboratory (AENL)
Department of Physics, IIT Madras,
Chennai 600036.
Phone : (O) + 91 44 22574862; (M) + 91 94446 02362
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  • 2020- Present
    Emeritus Professor
    Department of Physics, IIT Madras
  • Jan 2016- 2020
    Department of Physics, IIT, Madras
    (E G Ramachandran Institute Chair Professor)
    Hydrogen absorption studies in alloys, carbon nanotubes, graphene, PEMFC & DMFC, supercapacitance, batteries, biomedical applications, water purification, nanofluids.
  • Jan 2004 - Feb 2016
    Department of Physics, IIT, Madras (Professor)
    Hydrogen absorption studies in alloys, carbon nanotubes, nanomaterials, PEMFC & DMFC supercapacitance, batteries, biomedical applications, water purification, nanofluid
  • Sep 2000 - Jan 2004
    Department of Physics, IIT, Madras (Associate Professor)
    Hydrogen absorption studies in alloys, Carbon nanotubes, nanomaterials for hydrogen storage applications
  • Oct 1993- Aug 2000
    Department of Physics, IIT, Madras (Assistant Professor)
    Hydrogen absorption studies in alloys for hydrogen storage applications
  • Mar 1989 - Sep 1993
    University of Geneva, Switzerland with Professor E.A.C. Lucken (Post doctoral fellow)
    Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Studies of 63Cu in copper(I) complexes
  • Nov 1986 - Feb 1989
    Darmstadt, Germany (Alexander von Humboldt fellow) With Professor Alarich Weiss
    Hydrogen absorption studies in alloys
  • Jun 1984 - Jun 1986
    Department of Physics, IIT, Madras (Post doctoral fellow)
    Theoretical NQR studies of halogen nuclei in inorganic solids
  • 1984
    Physics - Indian Institute of Technology - Madras
  • 1977
    M.Sc (Physics)
    I- Class
    University of Madras
  • 1975
    B.Sc (Physics)
    I - Class
    University of Madras
Expertise / Research
Nano Technology, Hydrogen Energy
Sensors, Energy Applications
Nanofluids & Nanolubricants

Research Interests

  • Carbon nanotubes as catalyst support in PEM, Direct Methanol, Direct Ethanol and Micro Fuel Cells
  • CNT based Nanolubricants, Nanofluids and Magnetic Nanofluids
  • Development of Carbon nanotubes based Energy Storage Devices: Li-ion, Na-ion, Al-ion, Li-S, Na-S, Li-O2 batteries, and Supercapacitors
  • Field emission applications of carbon nanotubes
  • Nano Materials for EMI Sheilding
  • Nano Materials for Solar Cell Applications
  • Production of Hydrogen by Photo-electrochemical methods
  • Switchable mirrors and optical shutters
  • Environmental Applications of Hybrid Nano Materials: Water purification, CO2 Capture and Conversion into Useful chemicals
  • Carbon Nanomaterial Based Biosensors: Cholesterol, Organophosphorus, Glucose sensing
  • Development of Carbon Nanomaterial Based Gas Sensors: Hydrogen, NOx sensors
  • Development of Polymer-Carbon Nanocomposite Based Strain Sensors
  • Design and development of metal hydride storage devices
  • Diffusion of hydrogen in alloys
  • Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Advanced Nanomaterials Science
  • Hydrogen in Metals, alloys, nano-composites and carbon nanotubes
  • Novel methods of synthesis of Graphene, Carbon Nanotube and other Carbon Based Nanostructures
  • Fellowship(s)/Associateship(s)

    1. E. G. Ramachandran Institute Chair (2016-20)
    2. Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) (2018)
    3. Fellow of the Academy of Sciences, Chennai (2018)
    4. Alexander von Humboldt- Stiftung (AvH) Fellow (awarded by Humboldt Foundation, Germany)
    5. DAAD Fellow (Germany)
    6. Chair Elect of American Nano Society (India) (2014)
    7. Distinguished Guest Visiting Professor to JAIST, Japan.
    8. Visiting Fellow to Germany by BMBF & DFG German Science Foundations
    9. Visiting Fellow to Japan (JAIST)
    10. Visting Fellow to France (University of Toulouse)
    11. Nano Digest:- Editorial Advisory Board
    12. Editorial Board:- Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (JNN)
    13. Editor: Graphene (2013-2015)
    14. Member of American Chemical Society
    15. Member of Electrochemical society
    16. Member of Magnetic Society of India
    17. Member of Metallurgical Society of India


    1. Thomson Reuters Research Excellence India Citation Award 2015 by Thomson Reuters
    2. 2009 Edition of Who's Who in the world
    3. Laskar (Best thesis) award of Physics Department: 7 Ph.D.
    4. Best Energy thesis award of Physics Department: 1 Ph.D.
    5. Institute Research award: 4 Ph.D.
    6. Bhagyalakshmi & Krishna Ayengar Award for guiding best B.Tech. project in the field of Alternative Energy Applications (2008)
    7. Bhagyalakshmi & Krishna Ayengar Award for guiding best M.Tech. project in the field of Alternative Energy Applications (2007)
    8. Bhagyalakshmi & Krishna Ayengar Award for guiding best Ph.D. project in the field of Alternative Energy Applications (2006)
    9. Bhagyalakshmi & Krishna Ayengar Award for guiding best Ph.D., B.Tech. project in the field of Alternative Energy Applications (2004)
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