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M.Sc. Syllabus PH 5010 Mathematical PhysicsOrthogonal and curvilinear coordinates. Scalar and vector fields, Vector differential operators: gradient, curl. divergence and Laplacian. Vector operators in curvilinear coordinates. Gauss' theorem. Green's theorem and Stokes' theorem: applications to physical problems. Tensors. Partial differential equations: applications in electrostatics, Laplace and Poisson equations: heat conduction, diffusion, elastic and electromagnetic waves. Schrodinger wave equation. Solutions in rectangular, spherical polar and cylindrical polar coordinates. Boundary conditions. Linear vector spaces and representations. Matrices. Similarity transformations, diagonalization, orthogonality. Hermitian matrices. Elements of complex variables. Residue theorem and contour integration. Special functions: Bessel, Hermite, Legendre, Laugerre polynomials: generating functions and orthonormality. Addition theorem for spherical harmonics, application in heat conduction, diffusion, wave equations etc., Dirac delta function and its representations. Fourier analysis. Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms and applications in physics. References :
PH 5020 Electromagnetic TheoryElectrostatics: Laplace and Poisson equations. Boundary value problems. Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. Method of images. Concept of the Green function and its use in boundary value problems. Magnetostatics: Ampere's law and Biot-Savart's law. Concept of a vector potential. Maxwell equations and electromagnetic waves. Maxwell equations (both differential and integral formulations). Boundary conditions on field vectors D, E, B and H. Vector and scalar potentials. Gauge transformations: Lorentz and Coulomb gauges. Green function for the wave equation. Poynting's theorem. Conservation laws for macroscopic media. Propagation of plane waves and spherical waves in free space, dielectrics and conducting media. Reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves. Superposition of waves. Radiation from an oscillating dipole and radiation from an accelerating charge. Electromagnetic stress tensor. Wave Guides: Modes in rectangular and cylindrical wave guides (conducting and dielectric). Resonant cavities. Evanescent waves. Energy dissipation. Q of a cavity. References:
PH 5030 Classical Mechanics Mechanics of a system of particles in vector form. Conservation of linear momentum, energy and angular momentum. Degrees of freedom, generalised coordinates and velocities. Lagrangian, action principle, external action, Euler-Lagrange equations. Constraints. Applications of the Lagrangian formalism. Generalised momenta, Hamiltonian, Hamilton's equations of motion. Legendre transform, relation to Lagrangian formalism. Phase space, Phase trajectories. Applications to systems with one and two degrees of freedom. Central force problem, Kepler problem, bound and scattering motions. Scattering in a central potential, Rutherford formula, scattering cross section. Noninertial frames of reference and pseudoforces: centrifugal Coriolis and Euler forces. Elements of rigid-body dynamics. Euler angles. The symmetric top. Small oscillations Normal mode analysis. Normal modes of a harmonic chain. Elementary ideas on general dynamical systems: conservative versus dissipative systems. Hamiltonian systems and Liouville's theorem. Canonical transformations, Poisson brackets. Action-angle variables. Non-integrable systems and elements of chaotic motion. Special relativity: Internal frames. Principle and postulate of relativity. Lorentz transformations. Length contraction, time dilation and the Doppler effect. Velocity addition formula. Four- vector notation. Energy-momentum four-vector for a particle. Relativistic invariance of physical laws. References :
PH 5040 Electronics Introduction to Integrated Circuits
NE555, principle of operation and applications Introduction to Digital logic gates
Decoders and encoders Multiplexers and demultiplexers their applications Flip-flops, types and implementation
Random sequence generators
A to D and D to A converters Applications of digital circuits
Introduction to microprocessors
Test Books:
PH 5080 Statistical PhysicsSystems with a very large number of degrees of freedom: the need for statistical mechanics. Macrostates, microstates and accessible microstates. Fundamental postulate of equilibrium statistical mechanics. Probability distributions. Microcanonical ensemble, Boltzmann's formula for entropy. Canonical ensemble, partition function, free energy. calculation of thermodynamic quantities. Classical ideal gas. Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, equipartition theorem. Paramagnetism, Langevin and Brillouin functions, Curie's law. Quantum statistics: systems of identical, indistinguishable particles, spin, symmetry of wavefunctions, bosons, Pauli's exclusion principle, fermions. Grand canonical ensemble. Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions. Degeneracy. Free electron gas, Pauli paramagnetism. Blackbody radiation. Bose-Einstein condensation. Einstein model of lattice vibrations. phonons, Debye's theory of the specific heat of crystals. Phase diagrams, phase equilibria and phase transitions. Mean-fjeld theory of liquid-gas transition (Van der Waals model) and ferromagnet-paramagnet transition (Weiss' molecular field theory). Heisenberg exchange interaction and the origin of ferromagnetism. Elementary ideas on Ising and Heisenberg models of ferromagnetism. References:
PH 5100 Quantum Mechanics-I Basic principles of quantum mechanics. Probabilities and probability amplitudes. Linear vector spaces. Bra and ket vectors. Completeness, orthonormality, basis sets. Change of basis. Eigenstates and eigenvalues. Position and momentum representations. Wavefunctions, probability densities, probability current. Schrodinger equation. Expectation values. Generalized uncertainty relation. One dimensional potential problems Particle in a box. Potential barriers. Tunnelling. Linear harmonic oscillator: wavefunction approach and operator approach. Motion in three dimensions. Central potential problem. Orbital angular momentum operators. Spherical harmonics. Eigenvalues of orbital angular momentum operators. The hydrogen atom and its energy eigenvalues. Charged particle in a uniform constant magnetic field, energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Schrodinger and Heisenberg pictures Heisenberg equation of motion. Interaction picture. Semiclassical approximation: the WKB method Time-independent perturbation theory. Nondegenerate and degenerate cases. Examples. Time-dependent perturbation theory. Transition probabilities. Sudden and adiabatic approximations. Fermi golden rule. The variational method: simple examples. References:
PH 5110 OpticsGeometric optics: Eikonal equations, Fermat's principle and appications to laws of reflection and refraction. Parseval optics, ABCD matrix description of lenses, mirrors, etc. Aberrations: Wavefront aberration coefficients, Transverse ray coefficients, spherical aberration, coma, astigmatism, field curvature, distortions and aberration reduction. Dispersion: phase and group velocity, material dispersion, normal and anomalous dispersion, chromatic aberration. Fourier techniques: Fourier analysis, Fourier transforms, diffraction of light, Fourier transformation by propagation, lenses and their description in Fourier transformation and imaging. Spread functions, modulation transfer functions, convolution, etc. Diffraction theory of image formation, optical data processing, Coherence, classical coherence functions, autocorrelation function and time coherence. Spatial coherence, mutual coherence functions, visibility of fringes. Crystal optics: double refraction. Polarization and anisotropy of wave propagation in crystals, dielectric and optical indicatrix, uniaxial and biaxial crystals. Nonlinear optics susceptibility tensor and wave propagation in nonlinear media. Waveguide optics: propogation and dispersion in cylindrical and planar waveguides. References:
PH 5120 Physics Laboratory -IIArc spectra: analysis of line and band spectraG.M. counter Curie temperature Millikan's oil drop method: electron charge Velocity of ultrasonic waves in liquids (a) by diffraction (b) by inteferometer. Twyman-Green interferometer. Fourier transform processor. Hall effect. Scintillation counter. X-ray powder photograph Magnetostriction Thermal expansion: Fizeau's method Latent heat of liquid nitrogen. Absorption spectrum of colour centers spectrophotomerter. References:
PH 5160 Condensed Matter Physics-IClassification of condensed matter: crystalline, noncrystalline, nanophase solids, liquids. Crystalline solids: Bravais lattices, crystal systems, point groups, space groups and typical structures. Crystal symmetry and macroscopic physical properties: tensors of various ranks: pyroelectricity, ferroelectricity, electrical conductivity, piezoelectricity and elasticity tensors. Propagation of elastic waves in crystals and measurement of elastic constants. Diffraction of waves by crystals: X-rays, neutrons, electrons. Bragg's law in direct and reciprocal lattice. Structure factor. Principles of diffraction techniques. Brillouin zones. Types of binding. Ionic crystals: Born Mayer potential. Thermochemical Bom-Haber cycle. Van der Waals binding: rare gas crystals and binding energies. Covalent and metallic binding: characteristic features and examples. Lattice dynamics: monoatomic and diatomic lattices. Born-von Karman method. Phonon frequencies and density of states. Dispersion curves, inelastic neutron scattering. Reststrahlen Specific heat. Thermal expansion. Thermal conductivity. Normal and Umklapp processes. Free electron theory of metals. Thermal and transport properties. Hall effect Electronic specific heat. Bloch functions. Nearly free electron approximation. Formation of energy bands. Gaps at Brillouin zone boudaries. Electron states and classification into insulators, conductors and semimetals. Effective mass and concept of holes. Fermi surface. Cyclotron resonance. Semiconductors: carrier statistics in intrinsic and extrinsic crystals, electrical conductivity. Liquid crystal: thermotropic and lyotropic. Nematics and sematics: applications. Amorphous/glassy states. References:
PH 5170 Quantum Mechanics-IIOrbital and spin angular momentum. Angular momentum algebra. Eigenstates and eigenvalues of angular momentum. Addition of angular momenta, Clebsch-Gordon coefficients. Irreducible tensor operators and the Wigner-Eckart theorem. Systems of identical particles. Symmetric and antisymmetric wavefunctions. Bosons and Fermions. Pauli's exclusion principle. Second quantization, occupation number representation. Non-relativistic scattering theory. Scattering amplitude and cross- section. The integral equation for scattering. Born approximation. Partial wave analysis. The optical theorem. Elements of relativistic quantum mechanics. The Klein-Gordon equation. The Dirac equation. Dirac matrices, spinors. Positive and negative energy solutions, physical interpretation. Nonrelativistic limit of the Dirac equation. References:
PH 5210 Condensed Matter Physics -IIInternal electric field in a dielectric. Clausius-Mossotti and Lorentz-Lorenz equations. Point dipole, deformation dipole and shell models. Dielectric dispersion and loss. Ferroelectrics: types and models of ferro electric transition. Diamagnetic susceptibility. Quantum theory of paramagnetism. Transition metal ions and rare earth ions in solids. Crystal field effect and orbital quenching. Ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic ordering. Curie-Weiss theory, Heisenberg theory, Curie and Neel temperatures. Domain walls, Spin waves and magnon dispersion. Optical properties of solids: band to band absorption, excitons. polarons. Colour centres. Luminescence. Photoconductivity. Point defects: Thermodynamics of point defects. Frenkel and Schottky defects. Formation enthalpies. Diffusion and ionic conductivity. Superionic materials. Extended defects: dislocations, models of screw and edge dislocations. Burgers vector. Stress field around dislocations, interaction between dislocations with point defects. Work hardening. Superconductivity, experimental and theoretical aspects, new materials and models. Referenes:
Lorentz transformations: infinitesimal generators, metric tensors, the light cone. Contravariant and covariant vectors and tensors. Classical field theory of a real scalar field: action, Lagrangian density, Euler-Lagrange field equation. The conjugate momentum. Hamiltonian density, energy-momentum tensor, physical interpretation . Angular momentum tensor for a real scalar field. Invariance under Lorentz transformations and conservation of angular momentum. Internal degrees of freedom and symmetrization of the energy-momentum tensor. complex scalar field :Lagrangian, field equations, global field invarience. Noether's theorem: transformations, invariance and conserved quantities. Translations, rotations, Lorentz and gauge transformations as illustrations. The mass less vector field: Lagrangian, field equations, Lorentz condition. The field tensor, Maxwell's equations. Energy density, Poynting vector. Invariance of the electromagnetic field. Lorentz transformation properties of electric and magnetic fields. Minimal coupling of matter fields to the electromagnetic field. Covariant derivative, local gauge invariance, continuity equation for the current, charge conservation. General covariance. Curved space, metric tensor, connection, parallel transport, covariant derivative, curvature tensor. Principle of equivalence. Gravitational field equations. References: