Novel microwave filter technologies are of great importance in the development of modern communication systems. In a typical communications system, filters block unwanted frequencies and should have small attenuation in the desired channel. To achieve this, filters need to have low loss, high selectivity and high Q. In addition, miniaturization is another factor for modern systems. In this talk we will discuss some filter technologies developed in our group, which include Metamaterials, High Temperature Superconductors and Balanced configurations.
Dr. Alonso Corona-Chavez obtained his BSc. in Electronics Engineering from ITESM, Mexico (1997) and his PhD from the University of Birmingham, UK in 2001. His PhD thesis concerned microwave beamformers using High Temperature Superconductors. From 2001 to 2004 he was a microwave engineer for CryoSystems Ltd (UK) where he developed superconducting Front Ends for the telecommunications industry. Moreover, he was an Honorary Research fellow at the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Birmingham, UK (2001-2004). In September 2004 he joined INAOE, Mexico, where he is currently a professor at the Electronics Department. In April 2009 he was awarded a Fulbright fellowship to carry out research at the Electrical Engineering Department, University of California at Los Angeles. In 2014 he was a visiting professor at Queens University, Canada, and in 2016 he was a visiting professor at the University of Guanajuato, Mexico.
Dr. Corona is a member of the National Systems for Researchers (SNI), Senior Member IEEE and Charter Engineer by the IET.