Faculty Details


Rajesh Narayanan


HSB 311A

Ph.D. University of Oregon

  •   044 - 2257 4858
  •   rnarayanan@iitm.ac.in

Areas of Interest

  • Condensed Matter Theory: Quantum Field Theories applied to condensed matter systems
  • Quantum Phase Transitions
  • Strong disorder physics

Current Research


Current PhD Students

  • PH18D005    VISHNU P K
  • PH19D064    SUDESHNA PAL

Recent Publications

  • Holographic approach to entanglement entropy in disordered systems . Rajesh Narayanan, Chanyong Park, and Yun-Long Zhang . Phys. Rev. D . 99 . 046019 . 2019.
  • Tuning a random-field mechanism in a frustrated magnet . Shashikant Singh Kunwar, Arnab Sen, Thomas Vojta, and Rajesh Narayanan . Phys. Rev. B . 98 . 024206 . 2018.
  • Emergent infinite-randomness fixed points from the extensive random bipartitions of the spin-1 Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki topological state . Min Lu, Wen-Jia Rao, Rajesh Narayanan, Xin Wan, and Guang-Ming Zhang . Phys. Rev. B . 94 . 214427 . 2016.
  • Intertwined nematic orders in a frustrated ferromagnet . Yasir Iqbal, Pratyay Ghosh, Rajesh Narayanan, Brijesh Kumar, Johannes Reuther, and Ronny Thomale . Phys. Rev. B . 94 . 224403. 2016.
  • Strong-randomness phenomena in quantum Ashkin-Teller models . Hatem Barghathi, Fawaz Hrahsheh, Jose A. Hoyos, Rajesh Narayanan, Thomas Vojta, . Physica Scripta . T165 . 014040. 2015.
  • Emerging criticality in the disordered three-color Ashkin-Teller model. . Qiong Zhu, Xin Wan, Rajesh Narayanan, José A. Hoyos, Thomas Vojta, . Phys. Rev. B . 91 . 224201. 2015.
  • Strong-randomness infinite-coupling phase in a random quantum spin chain . Fawaz Hrahsheh, Rajesh Narayanan, José A. Hoyos, Thomas Vojta . Phys. Rev. B. . 89 . 014401. 2014.
  • Density of states in Graphene with vacancies: Midgap power-law and frozen multifractality. . V. Haefener, J. Schindler, N. Weik, T. Mayer, S. Balakrishnan, R. Narayanan, S. Bera, and F. Evers . Phys. Rev. Lett. . 113 . 186802. 2014.
  • Influence of spin fluctuations near the Mott transition: a DMFT study . Serge Florens, Priyanka Mohan, C. Janani, T. Gupta, R. Narayanan, . Europhys. Lett. . 103 . 17002. 2013.
  • Fractional quantum Hall states in two-dimensional electron systems with anisotropic interactions. Hao Wang, Rajesh Narayanan, Xin Wan, and Fuchun Zhang,. Phys. Rev. B.. 86. 035122. 2012.
  • Localised zero-energy modes in the Kitaev model with vacancy-disorder . Santhosh G., V. Sreenath, Arul Lakshminarayan, Rajesh Narayanan . Phys. Rev. B . 85. 054204. 2012.
  • Influence of superohmic dissipation on a disordered quantum critical point.. Thomas Vojta, J. A. Hoyos, Priyanka Mohan, and Rajesh Narayanan,. Condens. Matter. 23. 094206. 2011.
  • Dissipative spin dynamics near a quantum critical point: Numerical Renormalization Group and Majorana diagrammatics. Serge Florens, Axel Freyn, Davide Venturelli, and Rajesh Narayanan. Phys. Rev. B. 84. 155110. 2011.
  • On the Spin Boson Model. S. Florens, D. Venturelli, and R. Narayanan. Lecture Notes in Physics series,. 802. 145. 2010.
  • Influence of Local Moment Fluctuations on the Mott-Transition. C. Janani, T. Gupta, S. Florens, and R. Narayanan,. Lecture Notes in Physics series. 802. 2010.
  • Infinite randomness and "quantum" Griffiths effects in a classical system: the randomly layered Heisenberg magnet. Priyanka Mohan, Rajesh Narayanan, Thomas Vojta. Phys. Rev B.. 82. 195445. 2010.
  • An Anomalously Elastic, Intermediate Phase in Randomly Layered Superfluids, Superconductors, and Planar Magnets. Priyanka Mohan, Paul M. Goldbart, Rajesh Narayanan, John Toner, Thomas Vojta. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105. 085301. 2010.
  • Elastic properties of graphene flakes: Boundary effects and lattice vibrations. S. Bera, A. Arnold, F. Evers, R. Narayanan, and P. Wšlfle. S. Bera, A. Arnold, F. Evers, R. Narayanan, and P. Woelfle. Phys. Rev. B. 82. 195445. 2010.
  • Griffiths phase in the thermal quantum hall effect.. A. Mildenberger, F. Evers, R. Narayanan, A.D. Mirlin and K.Damle. Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications). 73. 121301(R). 2006.
  • Order parameter symmetry and mode coupling effects at dirty superconducting quantum phase transitions. Rastko Sknepnek, Thomas Vojta and Rajesh Narayanan. Phys. Rev. B.. 70. 104514. 2004.
  • Transport anomalies and marginal Fermi-liquid effects at a quantum critical point. D. Belitz, S. L. Sessions, T. R. Kirkpatrick, R. Narayanan and T. Vojta. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 17. 5041. 2003.
  • Transport anomalies and marginal Fermi liquid effects at a quantum critical point. D. Belitz, T.R. Kirkpatrick, R. Narayanan and T. Vojta. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 85. 4602. 2000.
  • On the critical behavior of disordered quantum magnets: The relevance of rare regions. R. Narayanan, T. Vojta, D. Belitz, and T.R. Kirkpatrick. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 82. 5132. 1999.
  • Influence of rare regions on magnetic quantum phase transitions. R. Narayanan, T. Vojta, D. Belitz, and T.R. Kirkpatrick. Phys. Rev. B.. 60. 10150. 1999.
  • Effects of rare regions on magnetic quantum phase transitions. R. Narayanan, T. Vojta, D. Belitz, and T.R. Kirkpatrick, Ann. Phys.. 8. 185. 1999.
  • Quantum critical behavior of itinerant ferromagnets. T. Vojta, D. Belitz, T.R. Kirkpatrick and R. Narayanan. Ann. Phys.. 8. 593. 1999.
  • Quantum critical behavior of clean itinerant ferromagnets. T. Vojta, D. Belitz, R. Narayanan and T.R. Kirkpatrick. .Phys. B. 103. 451. 1997.
  • Breakdown of Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson theory for certain quantum phase transitions. T. Vojta, D. Belitz, R. Narayanan and T.R. Kirkpatrick. Europhys. Lett.. 36 (3). 191. 1996.
  • Boundary multifractality in critical 1d systems with long-range hopping.. A. Mildenberger, A. Subramaniam, R. Narayanan, F. Evers I. A. Gruzberg and A. D. Mirlin. Cond-matt/0611713, submitted to Phys. Rev. B. 0.


  • 2017 :  (Jan - May) - EP3180 Industrial Lecture / EP4500 Self Study Elective / EP4600 Self Study (Under Honours Program) / PH1020 Physics II; (Jul - Nov) - PH5490 Advanced Statistical Physics
  • 2018 :  (Jan - May) - EP3292 Concepts of condensed Matter Physics
  • 2019 :  (Jan - May) - PH1020 Physics II; (Jul - Nov) - PH1030 Physics Laboratory I / PH5490 Advanced Statistical Physics
  • 2020 :  (Jan - May) - PH1020 Physics II
  • 2021 :  (Jan - May) - PH1030 Physics Laboratory I / PH5080 Statistical Physics ; (Jul - Nov) - PH1010 Physics I
  • 2022 :  (Jan - May) - PH1020 Physics II / PH1030 Physics Laboratory I ; (Jul - Nov) - EP2090 Engineering Physics Lab I / PH2050 Physics Lab III / PH5490 Advanced Statistical Physics
  • 2023 :  (Jan - May) - PH1030 Physics Laboratory I /